Fatal Error in Gdn_Factory.factory();

Class MenuModule not found while trying to get an object for Menu. Check the path .

The error occurred on or near: /home/zombieplaygroundgame/webapps/zombieplaygroundgame/public_html/forum/library/core/class.factory.php

72:             }
73:         }
75:         if (!class_exists($ClassName, false)) {
76:             throw new Exception(sprintf('Class %s not found while trying to get an object for %s. Check the path %s.', $ClassName, $Alias, $Def['Path']));
77:         }
79:         // Create the object differently depending on the type.
80:         $Result = null;


[/home/zombieplaygroundgame/webapps/zombieplaygroundgame/public_html/forum/library/core/class.gdn.php:187] Gdn_Factory->factory();
[/home/zombieplaygroundgame/webapps/zombieplaygroundgame/public_html/forum/applications/dashboard/settings/bootstrap.php:19] Gdn::factory();
[/home/zombieplaygroundgame/webapps/zombieplaygroundgame/public_html/forum/bootstrap.php:204] PHP::include_once();
[/home/zombieplaygroundgame/webapps/zombieplaygroundgame/public_html/forum/index.php:32] PHP::require_once();

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